Stand up comedian-actor Kapil Sharma was not in a mood of cracking any jokes on Friday morning. The actor tagged Prime Minister Narendra Modi and tweeted “Yeh hain aapke achhe din ? @narendramodi” [sic]. The reason for Kapil’s angst is that he had been asked for a bribe of Rs 5 lakh by Mumbai’s civic body for his office.
Kapil Sharma tweeted,
I am paying 15 cr income tax from last 5 year n still i have to pay 5 lacs bribe to BMC office for making my office @narendramodi
— KAPIL (@KapilSharmaK9) September 9, 2016
He further wrote,
Yeh hain aapke achhe din ? @narendramodi
— KAPIL (@KapilSharmaK9) September 9, 2016
Kapil Sharma who has more than 6.2 million followers on Twitter vented his ire on the social media platform. His tweet got an instant response from his fans who soon retweeted the post over 2500 times in three hours. BMC’s vigilance chief engineer Manohar Pawar requested the actor to make a formal complaint and name the person who had approached him for a bribe. Pawar added that the moment Kapil provides them with all the evidence, a strict action would be initiated against the concerned person.
CM Devendra Fadnavis too responded with a tweet to Kapil Sharma. He wrote,
Kapilbhai pls provide all info.
Have directed MC,BMC to take strictest action.
We will not spare the culprit.@KapilSharmaK9 @narendramodi— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) September 9, 2016
BJP MP Kirit Somaiya from Mumbai North east constituency too tweeted in favour of the comedian and asked the BMC to be freed of scam mafias.
Kapil Sharma rose to fame with ‘Comedy Nights With Kapil’ and hoped to have PM Modi as a guest on it soon.
Also Read: PICS: Katrina Kaif and Sidharth Malhotra groove on ‘Kala Chashma’ on Kapil Sharma’s show