Filmmaker Karan Johar keeps entertaining his followers by sharing some really hilarious ‘Toodles’ videos from the sets of the reality show ‘India’s Got Talent’. He is co-judging the show along with Kirron Kher and Malaika Arora.
In one of his recent ‘Toodles’ videos, the filmmaker ended up hurting the sentiments of the Assamese people. In the said video, Karan and Kirron were discussing about the jappi (traditional Assamese hats) when Karan ended up making some insensitive comments about the same.
A Twitter user pointed out Karan’s mistake and said, “Dear @karanjohar the Japi and Gamusa are signs of respect and love. When someone gifts you one, you don’t make fun of it, even if it does not go with fashion. Your video hurt the emotions of #Assamese people. Just informing, in case you didn’t know it already.”
Realising his mistake, Karan immediately apologized. The filmmaker wrote, “You are absolutely right and I would like to apologise if I have hurt any sentiments… was purely unintentional and came from a place of no knowledge which is absolutely no excuse….am extremely sensitive to the different cultures of our land and I am very sorry.”
You are absolutely right and I would like to apologise if I have hurt any sentiments… was purely unintentional and came from a place of no knowledge which is absolutely no excuse….am extremely sensitive to the different cultures of our land and I am very sorry….
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) November 14, 2018
Karan even deleted the controversial Instagram post.
Also have deleted the insta post!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) November 14, 2018
After this incident, looks like Karan will be extra careful regarding what he posts and says on social media.
Also Read:Watch: Karan Johar’s asks Kirron Kher about ‘FOMO’ and her epic reply is savage
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