Karan Johar recently applauded his mother Hiroo for emerging victorious after going through two massive surgeries during the pandemic. The filmmaker and Bigg Boss OTT host took to his Instagram account and shared a video of his mother in the hospital. Sharing a video of his mother, Karan penned down a heartfelt note that read, “My Mother … My super hero! She has had two massive surgeries in the lockdown…. In the past 8 months… Her Spinal Fusion Surgery ( the brilliance of DR BHOJRAJ) and her right knee replacement ( the Genius of DR MANIAR ) She endured both surgeries with her indomitable spirit and a sense of humour…. She is nearly 79 but has the spirit and zest for life as a millennial does! I am so so proud of her …. I love you so much Mama! Your babies are waiting at a home with a cake and a song! ❤️❤️❤️(sic)”
Deepika Padukone wrote in the comments, “Couldn’t agree more!❤️”, Manish Malhotra sent his love as he dropped a lot of hearts, “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”, Athiya Shetty, Dia Mirza, Navya Naveli Nanda, Maheep Kapoor and others also dropped their love. Soni Razdan wrote, “Get well soonest Hiroo ! So happy to hear you have been able to attend to the back problem you’ve been having for so long. @karanjohar please give her loads of love from us all ❤️??❤️.”
Check out the video below:
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Meanwhile, Karan is currently seen hosting the Bigg Boss OTT show. The filmmaker has got mixed views from the audience about it. Apart from that, Karan is all set to get back to directing as his next Project Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani star Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh.