Karan Johar along with ‘Dhadak’s lead actors, Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter, launched the trailer of the film yesterday. At the trailer launch event, a small media interaction took place with the media in Mumbai.
While addressing Janhvi and Ishaan, Karan was all praises for their talent and hard work. “Irrespective of their family backgrounds the star kids worked hard to reach the position where they are today,” the mentor said.
At the launch, Karan was asked about the things he has to keep in mind when he makes films with actors who come with a filmy background. To which KJo said, “That they grow beyond their name and make their own identity. I think that is our responsibility and their responsibility.”
He added, “These days people focus more on names rather than the talent, but they tend to forget that one puts a lot of hard work, heart, dedication, discipline and mental preparation to face the camera, the audience and the media. It is not easy, really. It is difficult.”
Karan didn’t mention the term nepotism, which had become a widely used term when actress Kangana Ranaut accused Karan of being a ‘flag bearer of nepotism’ two years ago, but had something to say on it. (Also Read: Netizens troll Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor’s ‘Dhadak’ trailer by calling it a poor adaptation)
He said, “We always use a tag, like a word of the season. I know that word (nepotism) was doing around for last two years and I am again, perhaps, encouraging the same concept, but I will not utter the word. I want to say, they (Ishaan and Janhvi) are not here because of that word, but because of their hard work.”
Karan also spoke about the movie and called it an innocent love story. “‘Dhadak’ is about an innocent love story, to bring such innocence on-screen, I needed the first-time talent,” Johar concluded.
Besides Ishaan and Janhvi, Karan Johar has also launched some more star kids like Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt (Student Of The Year) in Bollywood. With ‘Student Of The Year 2’ he is going to launch Chunky Panday’s daughter, Ananya Panday.
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