Filmmaker Karan Johar is known to be a mentor to a number of people in Bollywood. With ‘Dhadak’ he is all set to introduce us to two new faces in the film industry. Karan is launching Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi and Shahid Kapoor’s brother Ishaan Khatter in his next which is an adaption of the famous Marathi film, ‘Sairat’.


Till now, only a few posters of the film have been out for the public. While ‘Dhadak”s release date was made official a long time ago, the makers had kept the audience longing for the trailer. After a long wait, they have finally announced 11th June as the date for the trailer launch. (Also ReadIshaan Khatter on ‘Dhadak’: I and Karan were in talks for another film but the subject changed)

Producer Karan Johar himself announced the same on Twitter. He wrote, “You are personally invited to open your hearts to Dhadak and to meet Janhvi and Ishaan at their first trailer launch. Set your reminders for Monday. Here they come!”

Check out his tweet here-

Directed by Shashank Khaitan, the movie will hit the silver screens on 20th July.