Desi girl Priyanka Chopra got engaged to her singer-songwriter beau Nick Jonas last month in an intimate roka ceremony in Mumbai. Ever since the news of Priyanka dating Nick had surfaced, some section of the society started talking about the evident age gap between the two in hushed tones.
For the uninitiated Priyanka is 11 years older than Nick. This fact has raised several eyebrows especially in our country where we have been accustomed to only come across stories where an older man marries or is in a relationship with a woman way younger than him.
Filmmaker Karan Johar, in an interview on the show Off Centre, the gender role reversal in Priyanka-Nick’s relationship with since she is older than the man she is engaged to. Commenting on their age gap Karan Johar very emphatically replies, “Relationship should not be about it. I am very liberal and progressive among these things. I have never thought, ‘Oh, your man should be older than you.’ Why? Why should we say these things? If you find compatibility and you find a relationship of comfort, who cares who’s older than who.”
He further added, “Who made these rules that the man should be older? Like sometimes I have heard members of my family say things like this. Sometimes, I feel that’s the saving grace of the relationship. Sometimes the maturity that a woman brings to the table, I think it can actually make sure that the relationship has a strong binding. So, I really don’t buy all these things, it doesn’t make sense to me.”
Well, we couldn’t agree more with him. What about you guys?
When it comes to love who cares about facts like age, race or nationality for that matter! We are proud that Priyanka is breaking the conventions of the society and writing her own rules.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra prefers this couple name over Nickyanka, reveals Nick Jonas
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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