Karan Johar and Ram Gopal Verma are once again at war. The two are once again exchanging bitter words against each other on Twitter. The last time the two were against each other was when ‘Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna’ was released, and Ram said that it was the scariest movie till date. This comment had angered Karan Johar.
As per sources, today on ‘Teachers Day’ Ram took a dig at Karan Johar’s ‘Student of the Year’ and said that if Karan makes ‘Teacher of the Year’ it will become the Disaster of the year,” he posted.
To which, Karan Johar tweeted, “@RGVzoomin ….Disaster of the year is your territory Ramu…no one can ever replace the comfortable place you have made for yourself there.”
RGV quickly responded, “@karanjohar hey karan my tweet was in a series I put on teachers day nd that tweet was about some1 taking off from u meaning it a compliment.”
All we can say to the duo is ‘Grow Up Boys!’