Ranveer Singh will be seen next n the much talked about rom-com Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. The movie will also star Alia Bhatt and will be directed by Karan Johar. The ace filmmaker will dawn the director’s hat after quite some time now. Apart from Alia and Ranveer, the movie will have quite the star-studded cast with Shabana Azmi, Dharmendra, and Jaya Bachchan. The fans are very excited to see the Gully Boy couple Alia and Ranveer as Rocky and Rani. Speaking of Rocky, Karan recently posted a picture with Ranveer that went viral in no time. Seems like Karan and Ranveer have already begun the prep for Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani.
In the picture, Ranveer was seen in his iconic fashion element with an oversized white shirt, huge glasses, blingy chain and an even more flashy watch. Karan as well; was seen in an oversized white jacket with transparent huge glasses. Sharing the picture on his Instagram stories, Karan wrote, “Rocky Uska Naam.”
Check out the picture below:
Earlier, Karan was making headlines as he was on a location hunt for Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. He had taken to his Instagram and shared pictures from his location scout. Sharing the pictures, the filmmaker had written, “Get set go! #locationscout #RockyAurRaniKiPremKahani”. The film is written by Ishita Moitra, Shashank Khaitan and Sumit Roy; set for release in 2022.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.