Bollywood producer and director, Karan Johar was criticised by a Twitter user for his tweet on Zoya Akhtar’s ‘Gully Boy’. In his tweet, he called it an ‘incredible film’ and his ‘favourite film this decade’. Also, he said that Zoya Akhtar is his ‘favourite filmmaker’. This tweet was apparently promoting nepotism in the film industry for a Twitter user and he slammed KJo on Twitter.
Karan is not someone to be bogged down. So he decided to not take the criticism and replied back in ‘Gully Boy’ style. Before looking at Karan’s comment, have a look at the previous tweet of Karan on ‘Gully Boy’ and the comment of the user.
I wish twitter had more than 280 characters for all the brilliant characters of #gullyboy so had to take to Instagram to share my thoughts on this incredible film and my favourite film this decade! Zoya Akhtar is my favourite filmmaker!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) February 19, 2019
The user called him ‘nepotism ki mulle’.
Nepotism ki mulle
— Indian Holmes (@indian_holmes) February 19, 2019
Here’s Karan’s reply to the troll.
Chup kar aur picture dekh!!!!!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) February 19, 2019
This is such a witty reply by Karan, isn’t it?
Talking about ‘Gully Boy’, the movie has garnered an overwhelming response from the critics and audiences. People are not only raving Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt and other cast of the movie, but Zoya Akhtar is also getting equal appreciation for her direction. The movie has minted Rs 81.10 crore by far and expected to enter the coveted 100 crore club soon.
Also Read:Â Karan Johar slams a troll for saying he is depriving Yash and Roohi of a mother