Bollywood celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Seema Khan, Maheep Kapoor and others tested positive for Covid-19. This was after attending a party at Karan Johar’s house. The director soon got himself tested for the same. His tests results are out and Karan Johar has tested negative for COVID-19.
Karan Johar had hosted an intimate dinner party at his home. It was attended by his close friends, Kareena Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Seema Khan and others. Kareena and Amrita tested positive after the bash and isolated themselves.
As reported by sources to India Today, Seema Khan was the first to contract the novel coronavirus. Later Kareena Kapoor, Amrita and Maheep also tested positive. Kareena and Amrita have isolated themselves in their homes. They have asked all those who came in contact with them to get tested.
Sources added, BMC has decided to hold testing camps in Kareena Kapoor Khan and Amrita Arora’s buildings today, December 14. Along with the tests, the BMC has also decided to sanitise the compounds. After sanitizing Kareena and Amrita Arora’s compound they have done the same for Karan Johar’s building.
On the work front, Karan Johar is celebrating 20 years of his iconic film Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. The Dharma Production head honcho took to social media and shared a video thanking his fans and friends for making the film memorable.
He wrote, “Overwhelmed with the endless love that has poured in from all corners of the world. Thank you falls short. A little piece of my heart for you on this day.”
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