Bollywoods most famous filmmaker Karan Johar, was seen with the gorgeous Deepika Padukone . The filmmaker, actress duo were having a quiet lunch at a famous five star hotel. They were caught holding some intense talks there. It is to be noted that Deepu had turned down Karan’s ‘Shuddhi’ for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Bajirao Mastani’.
As per sources, Deepika Padukone was looking like a dream in flowing white gown,” Deepika Padukone, was in a white long gown when she met Karan Johar for a quiet lunch at a five-star hotel. Reportedly, she has recently turned down KJo’s film for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next.”
So does it means that they were discussing about her return to Karan’s close to the heart project, Was Karan trying to woo her back in Shuddhi?