Actor director Karan Johar was spotted yesterday afternoon at the Gateway of India. The filmmaker had turned tourist photographer for the upcoming TV show, ‘Mission Sapne’. The show has many celebrities working for a cause and the money earned by them will be tripled and given to the person whose job they have handled for a day.
As per sources, Karan Johar will takeover from tourist photographer Hemant Das. The money KJo earns by shooting pictures of tourists will be multiplied and given to  Hemant who has been struggling to support his family as his wife needs urgent medical attention .
The other celebrities who have already shot for their episodes are Salman Khan – Â A Barber, Harbhajan Singh – A Biscuit seller, Varun Dhawan – Bhajiwallah. Its for a good cause and hope many more celebrities take up and do some work for this cause.