‘2.0’ is this year’s most anticipated film starring superstar Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar. The film has been in the making for a very long time and the trailer of this magnum opus will be launched tomorrow. Karan Johar, one of the producers of the film revealed through his tweet about the exact time when the trailer will be released tomorrow.
Johar posted the following details
The time is close! #2Point0Trailer out tomorrow at 12pm, stay tuned!@rajinikanth @akshaykumar @shankarshanmugh @apoorvamehta18 @LycaProductions @arrahman @DharmaMovies #2Point0TrailerOnNov3 pic.twitter.com/S12W3FwGfN
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) November 2, 2018
#2Point0 Trailer Releasing Tomorrow @ 12 PM.#2point0Trailer #2point0TrailerOnNov3@rajinikanth @shankarshanmugh @akshaykumar @arrahman @iamAmyJackson @LycaProductions @DharmaMovies pic.twitter.com/1uKXgIceBV
— 2.0 (@2Point0movie) November 2, 2018
Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar will be coming together for the first time. The film also stars Amy Jackson. The makers of the film have been releasing different posters from time to time to build curiosity. The film is a grand spectacle and no doubt will be a delight to watch if we go by the buzz and excitement.
‘2.0’ was earlier facing delays due to enormous post-production work. The film has been made with the utmost care and a lot of hard work has gone into it.
‘2.0’ is the most expensive Indian project till date made with a budget of almost Rs 500 crore as lots of VFX works have been done in the movie. Backed by Lyca Productions, ‘2.0’ is directed by S. Shankar and it will be releasing in 15 languages including Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam.
So friends with just one day to go for the trailer of ‘2.0’, let us know how excited you are in the comments section below.
Also Read: ‘2.0’: Latest poster featuring Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar together will blow your mind
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