Kareena Kapoor Khan has started shooting for her next film ‘Veere Di Wedding’ in which she would be sharing the screen space with Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhasker. This one marks the comeback of the actress post her pregnancy. As soon as the news of her starring in this film broke out, gossip mills went abuzz with the reports that even her son Taimur would be a part of this film.
It was being said that Taimur probably has a cameo in ‘Veere Di Wedding’ and it had left all of us excited. But breaking all our hearts, Kareena has just confirmed that her little wonder is not going to be a part of this film. And the reason she has given out for this is hilarious. Read on…
So we came across a video posted on the official Twitter handle of this film wherein we see Bebo confirming this news. She jokingly states that Taimur cannot be a part of this film as the producer Rhea Kapoor cannot afford both of them. It’s either her or Taimur. While in the background Rhea quips that it is out of her budget to have both of them in one film.
Watch the video below.
HEARTBREAK ALERT. #TaimurAliKhan isn't a part of #VeereDiWedding confirms #KareenaKapoorKhan!@balajimotionpic @Nikhil_Dwivedi @RheaKapoor pic.twitter.com/VTrR7kHqNp
— Veere Di Wedding (@vdwthefilm) September 14, 2017
LOL! It would have been great to see Taimur and Kareena in this film together, but never mind! (Also Read: The price of Kareena Kapoor Khan’s lacy top will make you feel poor!)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.