Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted in the city on Wednesday. She made a candid appearance during the early hours of the day. The actress looked gorgeous. Kareena was clicked with her son, Jehangir Ali Khan. The mother-son duo made quite an appearance and the paparazzi stationed at the location were too quick to capture them. Kareena’s little one looked too cute for words in the photos. Jeh was dressed in a onesie and clicked with his mom Kareena and nanny.
While the Good News actress made an appearance, her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, and elder son, Taimur Ali Khan were not to be seen. The pictures saw Kareena holding baby Jeh in her arms. She held the little one dearly in her arms as she walked out of the building premises. Jeh looked cute in his latest public appearance.
Take a look at the post below:
Morning Vibe ? EXCLUSIVE : #KareenaKapoorkhan spotted with Lil boy #jehangir in Bandra ? #KareenaKapoor @viralbhayani77
— Viral Bhayani (@viralbhayani77) September 1, 2021
In the pictures, Kareena Kapoor Khan was clicked wearing a beautiful easy-breezy Kaftan. The actress flaunted a no-makeup look and showed off her radiant clear skin. Kareena had her hair tied up in a ponytail for her latest outing. Jehangir was dressed in a blue onesie and had a burp cloth wrapped around his neck. The little one manages to brighten up one’s morning with his cute face.
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s boys recently celebrated the festival of Raksha Bandhan. The actress had shared pictures of Jehangir Ali Khan from his first Rakhi with cousin Inaaya Naumi Kemmu. Inni also tied the Rakhi to Taimur, who was accompanied by dad Saif.
On the work front, Kareena launched her pregnancy bible and turned author recently. Speaking of films, she has Laal Singh Chaddha in her kitty. It stars Aamir Khan, Naga Chaitanya, and Mona Singh too.