Kareena Kapoor and Taimur Ali Khan have been giving some serious mother-son goals. From pottery to gardening together, Kareena and Taimur are just adorable and their fans love them. Recently, Kareena shared a very proud moment for her as a mom as she said that Taimur loves his green beans when it comes to food. Now, it is no secret that it is a task to get a child to eat anything that looks green and is not made of sugar. So Kareena took to her Instagram account and shared how Taimur is all about the ‘greens’.
Kareena took to her Instagram account and shared a picture of her son’s dinner which looked like pasta which was filled with green beans and veggies. Sharing the picture, she wrote in the caption, “Tim likes to keep it GREEN(sic)”
Check out the picture below:
Meanwhile, Kareena had earlier revealed that her husband Saif Ali Khan and Taimur absolutely love being in the kitchen. The actress was heard saying on Star Vs Food, Kareena had said, “Taimur and Saif love it; they love being in the kitchen and I am kind of in charge of the music. They like to listen to nice jazz music.” Kareena added, “I think during the lockdown, everyone was kind of making banana bread, I didn’t make banana bread, but Saif was really experimenting with a lot of food.”
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