Kareena Kapoor and husband Saif Ali Khan had welcomed their second son Jeh Ali Khan in February this year and the family has been sharing glimpses of the little munchkin that has the fans in a state of frenzy. Pictures of Jeh go viral in no time as the fans are in awe of the toddler and once again Jeh has been making waves on the internet as his aunt Saba Ali Khan shared an unseen pic on her social media account. Kareena Kapoor Khan’s younger son Jeh turned six months old and he is being showered with love by the fans.
Saba too to her Instagram account and on her stories she shared a picture of Kareena and Jeh sharing a sweet moment. Along with that, there was also a picture of Taimur Ali Khan holding his younger brother. Sharing the picture, Saba wrote in the caption, “Love you, my jaan, Jehangir. Jeh(sic)” Saba is often seen posting pictures of her family and her fans absolutely love them.
Check out the pic below:
Meanwhile, Kareena, along with Jeh, Taimur and Saif as jetted off to the Maldives as they are celebrating Saif Ali Khan’s birthday. The actress has been sharing pictures and videos of their amazing time on the Maldivian island.
Talking about the actress’ work front, Kareena will be seen next in the movie Laal Singh Chaddha with Aamir Khan. It is a Hindi remake of the movie Forrest Gump that starred Tom Hanks. The movie will also star Naga Chaitanya and will release in December this year. Apart from that Kareena recently turned an author as she released her book that is titled Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan shares an adorable picture with baby Jeh taking a nap and it’s too cute to miss!