Kareena Kapoor Khan is expecting her second child with hubby Saif Ali Khan. The couple is doting parents to a four-year-old son Taimur Ali Khan. Kareena’s pregnancy was the talk of the town when she was expecting Taimur. Everyone had a keen eye on her, from her clothes to how she looked, it was all under scrutiny. When the actress was recently asked how she is handling it all this time around, Bebo said she is way calmer than before.
Kareena made quite statements with her maternity style and work during her first pregnancy. She broke a lot of stereotypes and taboos at that time and once again her fans look up to her in awe. Kareena made headlines for working until the ninth month of her pregnancy and being an inspiration to all other expectant mothers out there.
In an interview with Times Now digital, Kareena opened up about how she is feeling this time around with her pregnancy. “I guess I am more prepared and confident this time around. I was quite nervous and jittery since I was going to turn a mother for the first time,” the actress shared.
Bebo further added that she is calmer this time compared to her first pregnancy. “I am way calmer and thankfully, I am not going berserk yet,” she said.
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Kareena further said that she doesn’t understand the fuss about pregnant women working.“Why can’t pregnant women work,” she questioned and further added, “I do not understand the fuss about it. I have worked throughout my pregnancies and will continue to do even after delivery.”
On the work front, Bebo will be next seen in Laal Singh Chaddha with Aamir Khan which is scheduled to release on Christmas 2021.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan does it again, works till the last few weeks of pregnancy; check pic