Kareena Kapoor has been ruling the Hindi film industry ever since she made an impressive debut in the year 2000 alongside Abhishek Bachchan in Refugee. Since then, she has given some iconic roles through her films like Poo from Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Geet from Jab We Met, that have gone out to attain a cult following. Over two decades after starting her journey in showbiz, the actress is all set to take on a new role, that of a producer, and as she shared a few glimpses from the ongoing shoot of the film, she seems as excited as ever to be taking on this new part.
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It was in August 2021 that Kareena Kapoor announced her team up with Ektaa R Kapoor and Hansal Mehta for her maiden production. Sharing a picture of the three of them posing for the camera together, the actress had written, “New beginnings (sic)”. And after a year of prep and wrapping another project in between, Kareena started the shoot of the film last month in the United Kingdom.
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Now, after over a month has passed since the start of the shoot, Kareena shared a photo dump from the shooting experience. The BTS glimpses from the sets see Kareena as an excited bird. In one of the pictures, she is seen flashing a big smile to the camera while in another one, she is seen pouting as she is surrounded by an actor playing a cop and a swarm of people watching the shoot in the background. In one pic, she is seen having a discussion with her director Hansal Mehta while another picture sees her watching the monitor like a curious child as the light from it illuminates her face. Along with the pictures, Kareena wrote, “Dover Diaries… United Kingdom 2022… Always a mood on set (sic)”.
Check out the pictures here:
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Kareena is accompanied by son Jeh Ali Khan in her shoot schedule in the UK while her elder son Taimur Ali Khan is back at home with dad Saif Ali Khan. Meanwhile, currently the actress is shooting for her debut production but she has also wrapped up her web debut movie, Devotion of Suspect X , which is directed by Sujoy Ghosh and also features Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan pouts for a selfie as she chills with her ‘mains’ in London-PIC