Kareena Kapoor Khan is an avid social media user. The actress has been constantly treating her fans with updates from her daily celebrity life since she made her debut on Instagram. Kareena Kapoor often shares pictures and videos of her family, including husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, and sons Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan. On Sunday, the actress took to her Instagram to share a glimpse of how her mornings at home look like. Kareena Kapoor posted a picture and gave fans an idea of how her Sunday mornings with Saif Ali Khan are.
The Laal Singh Chaddha actress shared a picture of a coffee mug sitting on a book. The book in the picture is titled ‘The Art of Humanism’ written by Kenneth Clark. Kareena Kapoor shared the picture on her Instagram stories and mentioned that Saif Ali Khan is reading the book. The actress shared the photo and captioned it, “My coffee but.. obviously not my book,” followed by several laughing emojis and a red heart emoji. She even added, “#husband reads.”
Earlier on Saturday, Kareena had shared a new poster of her upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha and announced the film’s release date. The actress shared the poster featuring Aamir Khan and her, with the caption, “We are happy to share our new poster and our new release date (sic).” The film is scheduled to release on Baisakhi 2022, on April 14 next year.
See the poster below:
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Meanwhile, Kapoor recently returned with her family to Mumbai after spending Diwali with her family and close friends at the Pataudi Palace in Delhi. She even shared pictures of Saif, Taimur, and Jeh in an adorable ‘Chand’ series.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan reveals son Taimur Ali Khan’s reaction after watching Bunty Aur Babli 2