Ananya Panday celebrated her birthday today. The actress turned 23 on Saturday, October 30. Since morning, wishes have been pouring in for Ananya. Her fans and close ones have showered love on her. Ananya Panday also received a heartfelt birthday wish from her rumoured boyfriend and Khaali Peeli co-star, Ishaan Khatter. While Ishaan wished Ananya, here’s everyone who made the actress feel special. Ananya’s parents, Chunky and Bhavana Panday, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Vijay Deverakonda, and others made heartfelt posts on Instagram.
On Instagram, Chunky Panday made a sweet post, sharing some pictures of his daughter and wishing her. Bhavana Panday also made a cute birthday post for Ananya Panday.
Take a look at the posts below:
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Kareena Kapoor Khan took to her Instagram stories and shared a picture of Ananya. She wished the young ‘star’ and wrote, “Happy birthday you star. Tons of love and luck always (sic).”
Check it out below:
Ananya’s Liger co-star Vijay Deverakonda made a heart-warming post. He shared a cute picture of Panday and him, wishing her.
See it below:
Ananya Panday’s BFF, Shanaya Kapoor also made a sweet post for the actress. She shared some incredible moments from their childhood.
Have a dekko at it below:
Katrina Kaif, Bhumi Pednekar, Sara Ali Khan, and several others wished Ananya Panday on her birthday. Seema Khan and Maheep Kapoor also penned birthday wishes for Ananya.
Take a look at their posts below:
Meanwhile, Ananya’s rumoured boyfriend Ishaan shared two pictures of the actress. He shared the photos and wished Panday, calling her with a cute name.
Also Read: Ishaan Khatter pens a heartfelt Birthday post for ‘Annie Panini’ Ananya Panday; shares adorable pics