Kareena Kapoor Khan on Friday shared a string of photos on Instagram as she wrapped up the shoot of her maiden production. The actress shared a photo of filmmaker Hansal Mehta feeding her cake. In other photos on Instagram, Kareena Kapoor Khan can be seen posing with her film crew. She called them the ‘best team ever’.
In the first photo, the Laal Singh Chaddha actress is clicked flashing a brilliant smile. She is seen holding a clap board in her hand, that has ‘Best team ever’ written on it. The second photo shows Kareena’s celebration on sets with Hansal Mehta and team. And, the last photo is of the actress posing with her team.
Sharing the photos, in the caption, Kapoor wrote, “As they say it’s the journey never the destination…make it worthwhile…”
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Earlier, Kareena had shared BTS photos from her maiden production movie shoot. The actress posted some monochrome photos from the movie sets with Hansal Mehta. The filmmaker also shared photos with Kapoor and expressed his views on working with the ‘powerhouse of talent’. He expressed his delight.
The actress was shooting for the Hansal Mehta thriller in the UK. She shared several photos of her from her time in London. Kapoor gave a glimpse into her fun time with her son, Jeh Ali Khan, who accompanied his mother on her shooting schedule.
On the work front, Kareena also has a Sujoy Ghosh movie, apart from the project with Hansal Mehta. She even has Rhea Kapoor’s The Crew with Tabu and Kriti Sanon. The actress was last seen in the movie Laal Singh Chaddha opposite Aamir Khan.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor is an excited bird as she shares BTS photos from the sets of her maiden production