Filmmaker and popular chat show host Karan Johar has entertained us with his films and shows. The latest season of his hit chat show ‘Koffee With Karan’ is about to end as today its closing episode featuring two divas Priyanka Chopra and Kareena Kapoor Khan will be aired.
Now from the promo of this episode, we can say that it is going to be the most happening one as both the actresses will be gracing the couch together for the first time. With the kind of history, both Kareena and Priyanka share we can say that they will certainly make this episode a memorable one.
We all know that PeeCee is a global phenomenon now with her shows and films in Hollywood making the right kind of noise all over the world. On the show when KJo asked Kareena if she would like to be a part of Hollywood just like Priyanka, the actress replied, “I can’t, I have always said that. I am too deeply rooted somewhere here, my family, my love, everything is here and now, of course, my child. I think what she Priyanka has done is amazing. It’s a new fearless version of Priyanka that I see. I really credit her because I don’t think I have that ambition and determination like hers.”
We loved Bebo’s honest answer and just like her even we admire Priyanka’s ambition and determination.
For more such interesting updates keep watching this space.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan: Kangana Ranaut is an astonishing actress, I’m excited to watch her biopic
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