Bollywood’s fashionista Kareena Kapoor Khan has added magnificence to LFW finales in the past. She dazzled the ramp when she was pregnant with her first child Taimur, and then she also did her first ramp walk at LFW after delivering her son.
She will now be seen walking the ramp for the finale of the forthcoming Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) Winter/Festive 2018 edition. The actress will be a showstopper in a creation by designer Monisha Jaising’s ‘Shades of a Diva’ collection.
Confirming the news Kareena said,”Being a part of the Lakme Absolute Grand Finale is always very special for me. To come on the runway and represent the brand I love. But this season is even more special as we have something big coming up and I cannot wait to reveal this to everyone. I am also excited to walk for Monisha this season in her collection which will interpret Lakme’s beauty theme of ‘Shades of a Diva’.”
The ‘Veere Di Wedding‘ star, who is the brand ambassador of Lakme, will reveal how the brand and she plan to bring alive this season’s beauty theme of “Shades of a diva”.
Ashwath Swaminathan, Head of Innovations, Lakme, added, “It’s always great to have Kareena as the showstopper for the Lakme Absolute Grand Finale. We are delighted that this season she will be there, as India’s ultimate Diva, to bring alive our beauty theme of ‘Shades of a Diva’ in Monisha’s effortlessly glamorous designs.”
Canadian entertainment company Cirque du Soleil will also be performing their never seen before act “Bazzar” at the fashion extravaganza.
Lakme Fashion Week Winter/Festive 2018 is scheduled to happen from August 22 to 26.
(Inputs by IANS)
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Khan shares the best and hardest things about being Taimur’s mother