Newlyweds Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal have been ruling the social media since their wedding. The couple had tied the knot at the luxurious Six Senses, Fort, in Rajasthan on December 9, 2021. Vicky and Kat have been sharing some love soaked pictures on their Instagram account to the delight of fans. Now a video is viral where Katrina Kaif is seen dropping Vicky Kaushal at Mumbai airport with a hug.
On Saturday, after celebrating the new year with his wife, Vicky Kaushal was spotted at Mumbai airport. Katrina came to see off her husband, she was seen hugging him in the car before he got down. The video soon created a buzz on social media and left fans with a mushy feeling.
Check the viral video and picture of Katrina Kaif seeing off her hubby Vicky Kaushal at the airport:
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Katrina was wearing a bright orange sweatshirt in the viral video. Vicky looked dashing in a rust coloured sweater with blue denim jeans. The couple also had their face masks on abiding by COVID-19 protocol. Vicky even posed for the paps before entering the airport.
The video has left fans praising the couple. One wrote, They’re the best unproblematic couple just busy with their lives and don’t care about haters’ opinions.” Another commented, “He came back just to celebrate New Year with his wifey taking out time from his busy schedule is the cutest thing.”
On the work front, resumed work last week with Sriram Raghavan’s Merry Christmas. Vicky on the other hand is shooting for his next with Sara Ali Khan.
Also Read: Katrina Kaif shares glimpse of her last workout of the year