Bollywood’s beloved couple Ranbir Kapoor-Katrina Kaif reportedly called it quits, after six long years of togetherness. Since last few days, we had news pouring in about how Katrina was really not gelling up well with the Kapoor family and how she was way too uncomfortable with Ranbir reuniting with his ex-flame Deepika Padukone with Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Tamasha’. While fans didn’t really cope well with the ‘Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani’ couple splitting up, there was another news which raised quite a lot of eyebrows.


There were rumours that Katrina had a long talk with ex-boyfriend Salman Khan before breaking up with Ranbir. This, of course, led to new speculations. Did Salman, in way, influence Katrina’s decision? What was that they talked about, for two long hours? However, Katrina has rubbished all such rumours and apparently is very upset with such baseless news cropping up. She has even issued a statement through her spokesperson.

“Ali Abbas Zafar is Katrina’s close friend and she attends his birthday party every year and this year was no different. Ali happens to be directing Sultan with Salman, which is why he was on the guest list, along with a whole bunch of other people, including Kabir Khan. There was no secret meeting between Katrina and Salman. Request people to please have some respect and not concoct stories which are untrue.”- the statement reads.

Hmm..we understand Katrina is not really in the best of mood right now. Hope things get fine soon!


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