Bollywood beauty Katrina Kaif tied the knot with her beau Vicky Kaushal on December 9. The newlyweds left fans in awe as they shared pictures of their wedding ceremonies. The couple soon zoomed off to the Maldives for a short honeymoon. Post it, Vicky Kaushal has resumed work, whereas Katrina Kaif is yet to do the same. Reportedly the actress will not begin shooting for Tiger 3 but a Sriram Raghavan film titled Merry Christmas.
As per the ETimes report, “It was earlier reported that Katrina will resume work on Salman Khan starrer Tiger 3 post her wedding. But she will be seen shooting for Sriram Raghavan’s Merry Christmas from this week.”
As reported by sources to ETimes, Katrina Kaif will start shooting for Sriram Raghavan’s film Merry Christmas from this week. The shoot is said to take place in a suburban studio in Mumbai. The movie also features Vijay Sethupathi in a pivotal role.
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Reportedly the movie was set to go on floor on 15th December but was delayed. The Sriram Raghavan movie is said to be a 90-minute film. It is produced by Ramesh Taurani.
On the work front, Katrina Kaif will also be seen in Phone Bhoot co-starring Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi. The movie will release on 15th July 2022. Katrina also has Farhan Akhtar’s Jee le Zara with Priyanka Chopra and Alia Bhatt. The film will release in 2023.
Rumours abound that Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal will soon be teaming up for a project. However, there’s no official announcement about it.