Actor Akshay Kumar is back with his hit Singh avatar once again. His next next big project with Prabhudeva after Rowdy Rathore is ‘Singh is Bling’. The hunt for the leading actress opposite the Khiladi was on. Speculations were rife that it will be Sonakshi Sinha , as she shares a good equation with Prabhu Dheva and Akshay too. Latest buzz is that Katrina Kaif who was seen opposite Akshay in ‘Singh is King’ is in this film too.
As per sources, Prabhudeva wanted to work with Katrina in his film R…Rajkumar opposite Shahid Kapoor, but due to her date issues she was not able to commit. Although, sonakshi did not get the main role she has a cameo in singh is Bling. Akshay-Katrina have been probably the most hit pair in recent times with blockbusters like Singh is Kinng, Namaste London and Welcome, amongst others. It’s been a long time Kat was paired opposite Akki and hence excitement among the audience would be enormous. ‘Singh Is Bling’ will go on floor soon. The makers have released two posters from the film which is quite captivating.
Will Katrina Kaif and Akshay Kumar’s jodi weave their magic at Box Office once again?