Bollywood celebrities have been showcasing their hidden talents during the lockdown period. Celebs are also sharing how they are taking care of their house chores in the absence of their staff. Katrina Kaif is surely emerging the most inspiring Bollywood actress during the pan India lockdown period. After washing utensils at her house, the actress is now sweeping the floor in her new video.
On Tuesday, PM Modi imposed a complete lockdown in the country for the next 21 days in the wake of the outbreak of novel coronavirus. Bollywood celebs too are practising self-isolation and they are constantly supporting the government by raising awareness.
On the other side, celebs such as Katrina were seen inspiring the netizens by sharing tips on how to take care of household chores during the self-quarantine period. The actress is managing very well without her house help. After washing utensils, Kat now shared a video of sweeping the floor at her house and having fun while doing so.
The video shot by Katrina’s sister Isabelle Kaif will surely bring a smile on your face, take a look.
Now, surely this is an interesting hack to keep yourself busy when hit with boredom during the lockdown period.
On the work front, Katrina was last seen sharing the screen space with Salman Khan in ‘Bharat’ and she is currently gearing up for the release of Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Sooryavanshi’. The film is helmed by Rohit Shetty and it also stars Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn in the cameo roles. The film’s release date has been postponed following the outbreak of Coronavirus.
For more such updates, stay hooked on to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: Katrina Kaif gives a hilarious tutorial on washing utensils during the self-quarantine -watch video
Journalist by profession, having roots in Bollywood & Television. Perennially hungry for all thing Fashion. A good listener and attracted by the glitter of glamour world. I believe in maniacs…. Love, Smile & Blossom.
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