Some time back, ‘Kedarnath’ director Abhishek Kapoor took to Twitter to announce his film’s release date. Little did we know, this would give birth to a serious brawl between him and producers KriArj Entertainment.
While Kapoor’s production house Guy In The Sky pictures has reportedly moved out of its joint production venture with KriArj Entertainment, his sister Ekta Kapoor continues to back the film.
A day back, Ekta posted a video on her Instagram handle. The video is from their visit to Kedarnath. The two were evidently high in enthusiasm and are heard screaming ‘Jai Bhole’!
“Killaaah mood at kedarnath so we looking high without BHAANG! JAI BHOLE! In a few months u will see the spectacle #kedarnaththemovie,” she writes.
That’s also a confirmation that the tiff hasn’t impacted the film and it’s very much on track!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.