After teasing the audience with several posters and stills from the film, the makers of Akshay Kumar starrer ‘Kesari’ finally unveiled its trailer. Helmed by Anurag Singh, the film is based on an incredible true story of the bravest battle ever fought – the Battle of Saragarhi. Akshay plays Havildar Ishar Singh, who led an army of 21 Sikhs against 10,000 Afghans in 1897.
The trailer of ‘Kesari’ is really very intense and gripping. Now the trailer has been appreciated by everyone on social media. However, as usual, it has also become a goldmine of hilarious memes. Twitter has really exploded with some great memes and we are pretty sure that it will make you go ROFL.
Here have a look at some of the best memes
We must say that these memes are really very funny and it will surely make your day.
Bankrolled by of Dharma Productions, Cape of Good Films, Azure Entertainment and Zee Studios, this Anurag Singh directorial will hit the silver screens on March 21. ‘Kesari’ will be Akshay Kumar’s first release of this year.
For more such interesting updates, keep watching this space.
Also Read: ‘Kesari’: Bollywood celebs go wow after watching Akshay Kumar’s powerful trailer
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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