With each passing day the curiosity surrounding Abhishek Varman’s multi-starrer period drama, ‘Kalank‘ is only increasing. The film boast of an ensemble cast comprising actors like Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Aditya Roy Kapoor Sonakshi Sinha, Madhuri Dixit and Sanjay Dutt. Last year Varun Dhawan had shared a video where we saw Karan Johar revealing a beautiful surprise. Yes, we are talking about ‘Bareilly Ki Barfi’ actress Kriti Sanon also being a part of this multi-starrer.
Here’s the video shared by Varun on Twitter, last year
#AdityaRoyKapur will begin shooting for #kalank today. @karanjohar came to check on his rehearsals and revealed a beautiful surprise. @kritisanon also joins #Kalank. Good Friday just got bigger 2019 pic.twitter.com/QPciZrtshl
— VarunDhawan (@Varun_dvn) May 31, 2018
So our gorgeous actress Kriti is only going to have a special dance number in ‘Kalank’. Interestingly in this special track, she will be shaking a leg with the handsome hunks Varun Dhawan and Aditya Roy Kapoor. Sharing about her dance number, Kriti told Mumbai Mirror that it is a full-on desi dance number and they have worked extremely hard on it.
She went on to add, “It has a ‘Kajra Re’ (Bunty Aur Babli) and ‘Ghagra’ (Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani) sort of a feel to it. Since ‘Kalank’ is a period film you will see me in a very different avatar. In fact, this is the first time that Manish Malhotra has styled me for a song.”
Well, going by Kriti’s description about this special number we just can’t wait to watch her set the silver screen on fire with her dance moves. Also, we are super excited that Varun and Aditya are also a part of this special dance number.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan shares an adorable pic with Alia Bhatt as they wrap up ‘Kalank’
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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