Kumar Ramsay, eldest of the Ramsay Brothers has passed away on July 8. He was 85. According to PTI, he suffered a cardiac arrest. Kumar’s eldest son Gopal told PTI that he took his ast breath at his residence in Hiranandani, Mumbai. Kumar Ramsay had written the scripts for films like Purana Mandir, Saaya, Khoj.
Gopal said, “He passed away due to cardiac arrest, today morning around 5:30 am. He passed away very quietly. The funeral will take place around 12 PM. We are waiting for the priest to arrive”. Kumar is survived by his wife Sheela and three sons-Raj, Gopal and Sunil.
Kumar Ramsey was known as the king of horror films in the 70s and 80s. Ramsay Brothers became famous in the genre. Shyam Ramsay made the country’s first horror show, The Zee Horror Show and he died in 2019. According to the Ramsay Brothers’ biography Don’t Disturb the Dead: The Story of the Ramsay Brothers, their family came to Mumbai after partition in 1947. After coming to Mumbai, their father FU Ramsay opened an electronic shop, but he then got into cinema and the seven brothers started making films following the footsteps of their father. The seven Ramsay brothers-Kumar, Tulsi, Shyam, Keshu, Kiran, Gangu and Arjun ruled the horror genre in the industry. Tulsi passed away in 2018.
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May Kumar Ramsay’s soul rest in peace and we offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
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