The box office is going to witness the biggest clash in April 2022 as two mega films like Laal Singh Chaddha and KGF Chapter 2 will be locking horns with each other on April 14. As fans and trade analysts are worrying about Laal Singh Chaddha VS KGF 2, actor Aamir Khan revealed that he had no choice but to release the film on the same day as KGF 2. In an interview with Komal Natha, he explained that since he is essaying the role of a Sikh, he thought that the Baisakhi festival release is apt for the film. However, he even profusely apologised to the makers of KGF for trespassing their territory.
Since it is going to Laal Singh Chaddha VS KGF 2, he regrets it as Aamir said, “Ideally, I would never take a date which has already been finalised by the producer of another big film. I hate to give the impression that I am trespassing on someone else’s territory, but since I am playing a Sikh for the first time in my career, the Baisakhi day (14th April) seemed to be the most appropriate for the release of Laal Singh Chaddha.” He mentioned that apologised to the producer before locking the release dates.
“Before I finalised the date, I profusely apologised to the producer (Vijay Kiragandur), director (Prashanth Neel), and lead man (Yash) of KGF Chapter 2. I wrote to them and explained my predicament. I told them how the lockdown had made matters difficult for all producers. I also explained that a Baisakhi release for my film would be ideal. They understood my viewpoint and were good enough to ask me to go ahead in spite of their film releasing on the same day. I was very touched by their gesture. In fact, I had a long heart-to-heart conversation with Yash who was very supportive of my plan. I told him that KGF was an established brand name and so, people would definitely patronise the sequel. I also told him that since his was an action film whereas mine was a family film as it was a love story, the two films would hopefully not eat into each other’s collections,” he added.
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Khan even mentioned that he will volunteer to promote KGF Chapter 2 and vowed to be watching his film on 14th April in a cinema hall as he is a fan of the KGF franchise.