Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar doesn’t watch too many films anymore due to her health and medical issues. But she did catch glimpses of Anil Kapoor’s homage to herself in ‘Fanney Khan’, and Boney Kapoor and the late Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi’s debut film ‘Dhadak’ which also stars Ishaan Khatter. Lata is all praise for both the films.
“Boney and Anil are both very close to us Mangeshkars. I had even attended Anil’s engagement to Sunita, though I couldn’t attend his wedding. I am so glad his daughter Sonam is married and is doing some really good work too. There was a time when actresses had to slow down after marriage,” she said.
She stated, “Thankfully, those days are over. As a working woman — and I’ve been working since the age of 12 — it would be completely unacceptable for me to give up my career after marriage.”
“After Boney Kapoor lost Srideviji so suddenly, his daughter’s debut is a reason for him to smile. Janhvi is pretty. I’d love to sing for her,” Lata added.
Meanwhile, she is all praise for Anil’s unflagging enthusiasm in ‘Fanney Khan’. “Anilji plays a fan of mine and Rafi saab. He wants his daughter in the film to be like me. It’s very flattering to be still thought of as a hero and an icon. I’ve been lucky to be emulated for decades now. But I want to tell the singers of our country, Do not be another Rafi, Kishore, Lata, Asha or Mukesh. Be yourself. Learn dedication to the craft from us. But do not imitate us,” she concluded.
Also Read: Lata Mangeshkar gives Anil Kapoor her blessings for ‘Fanney Khan’