Bollywood actor Inder Kumar’s sudden death sent a shock wave across the industry. He suffered a heart attack and breathed his last on July 28, 2017. Post his demise, his ex-girlfriend Isha Koppikar gave an interview wherein she spoke about about Inder’s indulgence with drugs. She was quoted saying, “Inder had such a great potential as an actor but he threw it all away because of some habits. Only if he could be more responsible, this wouldn’t have happened and he would still be with us. We should always think about our parents, the way we’ve been brought up, our siblings, our spouse and those who care for us. Inder’s life was full of ups and downs. He had it in him to be on top of his game as an actor but he let it slip out of his hands. I offer my heartfelt condolences to his family.”
Further, an interview of Inder Kumar’s first wife Sonal Kariya with SpotboyE, too went viral. In the interview, she spoke about how Inder was still in love with Isha while she married him and how he did not care at all about their daughter. She also informed how Inder used to consume drugs and was always under the influence.
Following this, Inder Kumar’s second wife Pallavi Kumar took to social media to slam both these ladies. In a long post, Pallavi slammed Isha by saying that why was she in a relationship with her husband if he was so bad. And then she went on to slam Sonal by pointing out that why did she marry Inder in the first place if she knew that he was in love with Isha. At the end, Pallavi exclaims that all these statements made by these ladies is to just to look good in society. (Also Read: Here’s the last interview of a depressed Inder Kumar talking about his personal life)
Read the full post here.
Well, may the soul of the departed actor rest in peace.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.