On the occasion of her birthday, Deepika Padukone launched her official website which has been getting rave reviews for in terms of the layout and design. The website takes viewers through the many stages of the actor’s life and career, including the milestone and awards the actor, has achieved in all these years.
It also contains a dedicated section for Live Love Laugh, the foundation through which Deepika advocates the cause of mental health. Yesterday, the actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a handwritten note stating something exciting is coming up with a countdown leaving all her fans curious.
Interestingly today Deepika is also celebrating her first birthday after her marriage. On her birthday the actress took to her social media handle announcing the launch of her website.
You can check her post below
Deepika’s post also includes a QR code which directs to her website.
Ever since making her Bollywood debut, Deepika Padukone has come a long way. The leggy beauty is the only actress to have a 300 crore club film in her kitty and seven consecutive 100 crores film in her kitty. Indeed, Deepika is one of the most bankable stars in Bollywood and is also known for her other works apart from her performance in the film.
Bangalore girl, Deepika Padukone has also brought about a social change as she became the first actress to publicly address the condition of mental illness and her suffering from depression.
She really never cease to amaze us. We wish her a very happy birthday and a rocking year ahead.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh’s reaction on wifey Deepika’s new website is pure gold
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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