Anushka Sharma aced her character of a wrestler in ‘Sultan’ and attained the glorious success. Credit also goes to the director Ali Abbas Zafar who managed to bring out the best in Anushka as Aarfa. Well, the film may look intense, but on sets the actor-director duo has had a gala time and this picture is the proof. Anushka recently shared a throwback picture on Twitter and the caption of this picture had something extremely hilarious to reveal.
The picture is of Anushka having an ice cream and indulging in a conversation with Ali Abbas Zafar. The conversation was all about how an ice cream cone is better than a cup. Exactly! Just like you even we went LOL.
Check it out!
Trying to make a strong point to convince @aliabbaszafar that ice cream cones are better than cups ?? #Throwback
— Anushka Sharma (@AnushkaSharma) August 1, 2016
Well, this did not end here. Ali Abbas Zafar got back with yet another hilarious story behind the picture. He posted,
@AnushkaSharma you are such a liar you were saying will Aditya Chopra give me a Bentley if @SultanTheMovie becomes a All time blockbuster ?
— ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) August 1, 2016
Also Read: Anushka Sharma: Don’t take success to my head or failure to my heart
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.