Shahrukh Khan with Gauri Khan

Finally its out Shahrukh Khan’s Surrogate Baby is to be born not in India but in London, and wonders of wonders it will be Salman Khan’s sister in law Seema Khan in charge of the delivery. Initially when the news was revealed, people felt it is a gimmick but after a confirmation by Badshah Khan they were puzzled as to the reason , of having a surrogate child.


As per sources, The lady carrying the child is based in London and therefore the child will be delivered there, Shahrukh too wanted his child to have a British nationality. To keep an eye on safe delivery of the child Seema Khan, Sohail Khan’s wife who also has had a child through surrogacy will be travelling to London.

Well Shahrukh , your fans are very curious about the new addition to your family and we hope this curiosity will finally be satisfied.