Sonam Kapoor has been giving style inspiration to ladies across the globe. Known to be the ultimate fashionista of B-Town, Sonam quite knows how to dress to impress and be it Western outfits or Indian ethnic attires, she slays every different look with her charm.
We have seen the actress promote Indian wear at various International festivals and events. She loves wearing sarees and it is the way in which she drapes a saree in different and interesting styles that interests everyone. While one keeps guessing as to how she manages to do it, here is a solution to all your saree needs.
Also Read: Here is what keeps Sonam Kapoor awake at night
The actress will be seen supporting a startup that will enable people to know how to drape sarees in interesting styles.
Sonam recently took to her Instagram account to inform about the project called ‘Border and Fall’, which will create India’s first digital anthology of how to drape sarees through a series of ‘How to’ films.
The actress is asking her fans to support the cause.
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