Kunal Kemmu starrer ‘Lootcase’ has created quite the curiosity with its trailer and the fans are eager to know the characters. Vijay Raaz has always kept the audience hooked and entertained with his acting skills and with ‘Lootcase’ it’s no different. The last time the actor was seen in a negative role was in ‘Delhi Belly’ and now we see the actor play a negative but quirky character.
In the trailer, we see a glimpse of how Vijay Raaz is a huge fan of the animal kingdom and its functions and how he keeps telling his men to subscribe to a channel so they can also learn from the animals as he did. Vijay Raaz’ character is the main antagonist in ‘Lootcase’ but instead of playing the role of a mainstream villain who is always serious and grim, this time we see the villain show different sides of himself and is even funny to an extent.
‘Lootcase’ is an upcoming Hindi comedy-drama with an ensemble cast. The film revolves around a red-coloured suitcase with cash-filled in it and how everyone is chasing it to get their hands on it.
‘Lootcase’ is produced by Fox Star Studios India, Directed by Rajesh Krishnan and is slated to hit the big screen on October 11.
Also Read: ‘Lootcase’: Kunal Kemmu gets into a tiff with Varun Dhawan over his red bag – watch hilarious video