An animator who is gearing up for his Bollywood debut! Sheehan Dixit, who also happens to be Bollywood beauty Madhuri Dixit’s nephew, is preparing hard for a smashing debut in showbiz. When asked what evoked his interest in showbiz, his answer was straight!

“I don’t see why someone pursuing career of computer animator cannot take a plunge into a creative world. I am just following my passion”- the young hunk answered.


Sheehan also insists that it’s purely his love for acting and nothing else which led him to Bollywood. “Before taking that final career decision there always comes a time when you want to prove that you can go against everyone’s expectations. I guess I was living that same phase back then. But I couldn’t keep myself away from what is in my DNA and what I love so here I am chasing my dreams and burning the mid night oil to make them come true”.- he stated.

Sheehan already shared space with prominent names of Bollywood in print advertisements and TV commercials. Popular Television shows like ‘Chandragupta Maurya’ and ‘Veer Shivaji’ have already given him the pleasure to be known and loved by a large number of audience. However, Sheehan is extremely particular about the qualitative substance of the project where he is in, and states that he would like to maintain this throughout his career.

“I have been waiting in the aisle to see myself on the big screen but not just for the sake of it. I wish to pave my own way with my individual approach to cinema. In a bid to be visible I don’t wish to attach my name with a project I am not completely convinced. It has always been quality over quantity for me and I shall abide by it”- says the youngster.

Right now, Sheehan is just waiting for te right script which is capable of taking out the best in him.

We wish him all the luck!

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