Just recently, we had reported that Aamir Khan’s dream project ‘Mahabharata’ has received a backing from India’s Richie Rich, Mr Mukesh Ambani. It was said that Mr Ambani is investing almost Rs 1000 crore in this project, but we had no confirmation over it. But now, going by Javed Akhtar’s recent tweet, one can say that Mr Ambani definitely has something to do with this project.
The ace lyricist was slamming a troll that questioned about a Muslim (Aamir Khan) playing the role of a Hindu God, in this film.
It was in response to this that Javed Akhtar tweeted,
We do like his response to the troll, but we can’t overlook the fact that Mr Akhtar just confirmed that this project is being backed by Mukesh Ambani. It sure is a big deal.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.