Well, Malaika Arora Khan and Arbaaz Khan’s separation had created quite a lot of stir in the industry. The couple had issued a joint statement in March to announce their separation, but later, reports had it that the two are considering reconciliation after receiving some counselling from their family members. We had also spotted them together celebrating their son’s birthday recently. But unfortunately, reports now state that Malaika and Arbaaz have paid a visit to the court and have filed for a divorce.
According to a leading tabloid, Malaika and Arbaaz visited the Bandra family court last week to file for a divorce. On a mutual consent, Malaika and Arbaaz have started paper work for their separation. Even though there is no confirmation on these reports as of yet from the said parties, but sources say that the legal procedures have begun for their separation.
Also Read: Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora Khan celebrate their son Arhaan’s birthday together
Malaika and Arbaaz had tied the knot in the year 1998 and have a son named Arhaan. Post the news of their separation, Malaika had moved out of Arbaaz’s home and is living with her son separately.
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A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.