Earlier today, an old video has surfaced on the internet related to the Tanushree Dutt-Nana Patekar controversy. In the video, we can see a mob trying to vandalize the glass of Tanushree’s car in which we can also see her parents. They looked scared but that was taken care of by the cops. In the video, we have noticed a man carrying a camera who was violent and tried to deflate the tyres of Tanushree’s car. His identity is revealed and this activity was condemned by celebs as well as media personalities.
Tanushree Dutt’s recent accusations against Nana Patekar have opened many secrets. If some celebs are opening up on Nana’s temperament, there are some who have backed the actor. Also yesterday, we came across an old video interview of Dimple Kapadia with journalist Anupama Chopra where the actress was telling about the dark side of the National Award-winning actor Nana. This old video of Tanushree Dutt getting attacked by goons has taken the internet by storm. Many media personalities and celebs have slammed the media person who was trying his best to attack the actress and her family.
Sucharita Tyagi, a media
I’m hearing that this Pawan Bharadwaj fellow (guy from the video) was apparently thrashing Tanushree’s car on ANOTHER occasion, not that day the Nana Patekar shoot was stalled.
Regardless, this is NOT OKAY. How many times has she had to deal wth this bullshit? https://t.co/ach8CFQZ2e— Sucharita Tyagi (@Su4ita) October 1, 2018
Responding to Sucharita, ‘Love Sonia’ actress Richa Chadha also condemned the incident and requested everyone to ban that cameraman. Here’s her tweet.
Have had an issue with him and his temper before… I suspected it was the same person. Violence is not ok, facing the camera while deflating the tyre is impunity… he’s banned from any Press event I do henceforth. https://t.co/OrtELbYoGC
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) October 1, 2018
Also, director Anubhav Sinha tweeted on the same. Check his tweet below.
Someone on FB tells me this video is from another incident. That means Tanushree went through two such horrendous experiences. Can someone please clarify??? @janiceseq85https://t.co/OsRQa9YRFH https://t.co/iLV9GxZYax
— Anubhav Sinha (@anubhavsinha) October 1, 2018
Also Read: Shocking 2008 video of Tanushree’s car being attacked by a mob is going viral