Manoj Bajpayee recently took a walk down memory lane as he recalled his fond memories with King Khan Shah Rukh Khan. Back in the early days, Manoj said that SRK was quite the ladies man as he was always popular among the girls. The duo was part of the same acting group for some time and The Family Man actor said that Shah Rukh Khan had taken him to a disco for the first time in Delhi.
Manoj told us in an exclusive interview that he would share cigarettes with SRK, he told Bollywood Bubble, “I don’t know what he told you, but he was the only one who used to come in Maruti Van. In those days a Maruti Van, red colour, I still remember. He is the one who has taken me to a discotheque for the first time in Taj in Delhi. I mean we were very young, we had kind of just gotten out of our adolescent age and we met. He was part of Barry John’s group for some time.”
He further recalled, “We used to share cigarettes, beedis, whatever we could afford. He was always a charmer, always very popular with the girls in the group which we invaded. He always had his way with words.”
Check out the full video below:
Manoj is currently gearing up for the second season of the much-loved web series The Family Man. This time, the series will also feature south beauty Samantha Akkineni. The trailer of The Family Man 2 dropped a while back and the fans are already eager.