Actor Manoj Bajpayee has joined the star cast of an international project which also includes Ranvir Shorey, Neeraj Kabi and Shahana Goswami in pivotal roles. The film is a psychological flick which revolves around a man who feels trapped within the city and also within himself. He relentlessly tries to connect to the outer world.
The untitled project also marks the directorial debut of Dipesh Jain, a filmmaker based out of Los Angeles. It is being produced by Shuchi Jain, who happens to be the founder of Exstant Motion Pictures, a production company based in the UK. Swiss producer Lena Vurma will be co-producing the project.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.