‘Kriti’ directed by Shirish Kunder, was taken down by YouTube after Nepali filmmaker Aneel Neupane accused the makers of stealing his short film BOB’s storyline. He wrote a public post on Facebook and also made a copyright claim on YouTube. However, ‘Kriti’ now seems to emerge victorious and is back on YouTube too. Kunder as well informed us that he was planning to turn ‘Kriti’ into a full-length feature film.
“The idea stemmed from public reaction to our film. The YouTube comment section is flooding with requests from fans for a full-length feature version,” he confirmed.
Kunder along with the other makers has also sued Neupane with Rs 5 crore defamation charges. “For any filmmaker, people who seek two minutes of fame are a nuisance. After we provided evidence, the other party has disappeared and has not got back to us even once. We have filed a lawsuit of Rs 5 crore for defamation and in damages. I request the Indian media to not make heroes out of such people,” he said.
‘Kriti’ is a psychological thriller and stars Manoj Bajpayee, Radhika Apte and Neha Sharma.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.