Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Gully Boy’ has created a huge uproar much before its release. The moment the trailer was dropped online, fans of Ranveer went gaga over his rapping skills. The second song (‘Mere Gully Mein’) from the movie has released today and the rap is composed by Divine, Naezy and Sez. Sajeel Kapoor a.k.a Sez has now claimed that the makers have not yet paid him for the composition.
Taking to his Twitter handle, Sez shared his post saying that he is feeling weird writing this out and that he has nothing to do with the new version of ‘Mere Gully Mein’. He also said that he was not aware that the song was going to be used in the movie. Also, he mentioned in the post, “This is also the sad reality of how the industry works in this country, even after contacting the original label many times, I have not been paid for this track despite having a contract and my publishing split being agreed and assigned.”
Read his full tweet below.
— Sajeel Kapoor (@sezonthebeat) January 22, 2019
Now, let’s wait and watch how the makers respond to these allegations by the hip-hop artist.
Meanwhile, ‘Mere Gully Main’ featuring Ranveer Singh and Siddhanth Chaturvedi has got a thumbs up by the Twitterati. The track has been sung by Ranveer Singh, Divine and Naezy. It is going to rule the charts this year for sure. If you haven’t watched the song, watch it here.
Also Read: ‘Gully Boy’: Ranveer Singh’s ‘Mere Gully Mein’ song has left Twitterati awestruck