The first half of ‘Mere Pyare Prime Minister’ is a deftly crafted slice of life drama that is uncomfortable to watch. Both Anjali Patil and Om Kanojiya shine in their roles and give us something that is extremely well-crafted. Set against the backdrop of slums, the film has a very realistic feel with poignant scenes that truly touch your heart. Kanhu and Sargam (Om Kanojiya and Anjali Patil) are an adorable mother-son duo, who go about their unfortunate lives with a smile on their face and a joke on their tongue.
Everything changes when Sargam gets raped while walking alone in the night. What follows is a heartbreaking tale that makes your heart sink deep. We are certainly looking forward to the second half which promises to have a little bit of activism too.
Also read: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra to host a special screening of ‘Mere Pyare Prime Minister’ for Milkha Singh